Sunday, September 30, 2012

"I Want to Help People and Make a Difference"

Companions from the same home ward!

September 3, 2012

 Things are going great here and I love sister Monson! She is amazing and I just love her to death. She has me laughing all day long. We are really working on the transfer purification process and I am really seeing changes in me. I wrote down all the things in my life that pokes at the spirit and I am trying to eliminate them completely. It has been a crazy experience. I am loving the change that is taking place within me. 

Goodbye Sister Cheatham

Wow 4 months from today I will be home. Insane. I think that this will be my last area. That is the trend in the mission. Everyone who is about to go home gets moved to central. SO a little about the area. It is TINY and everyone is a member. The members are PUMPED about missionary work more than I have ever seen in an area. We even had a relief society lesson that we helped with yesterday and it was on the book of mormon challenge.....usually people are not another challenge...but I do not think there was a dry eye in the room! OVER A BOM CHALLENGE! AMAZING WARDS! The wards did the usual surprise of calling you up and giving a short talk totally impromptu but its awesome and I got a really great welcome into the ward. I feel very happy here already even though we dont have a ton of people to teach. I have had some really good experiences! The other night I was bawling my eyes out because I feel as though I am not having the same success that I had in the first half of my mission and I just want to feel like I am fulfilling my purpose! I am working hard....being obedient and the baptisms are slowing down soooooo much. Havent had one since May and it is Sept...pretty sad...but its not because I haven't been working hard. I felt that I am not helping people as much as I am trying to do.....but I got an answer to my prayers yesterday when a member announced in a class that something I said in sac meeting really helped him with the stuff he was going through in his life. It was a small thing but I instantly started bawling because God was trying to tell me that I AM helping people and I AM making a difference. It was awesome. 

Also yesterday after church I really felt like I was going to pass out right before dinner. I ate and then a member gave me a blessing and I know that the priesthood of God works because the foggy head I had and the passing out feelings I had left me. It was amazing. I was sad because I didnt get to see all the people to say goodbye in Black Mountain but I know that I will see them again one day. Well I love all of you and I am so glad that you are enjoying labor day! Mommy sorry about your eye! I hope that you feel better! MWAH! THanks! Love you!  Oh yeah! Transfers were amazing and sister Vanderdoes and I sang at it! It was awesome and I loved it. Trying to think if there was anything I 
forgot....Sister Monson will write and maybe I will think of more things! MWAH!

Sister Fine!

                          Saying Goodbye to friends in Black Mountain Area

Sunday, September 23, 2012

"I am going to be a Grandma!

August 27, 2012

hello family! SO the big news is that I am leaving black mountian and I am going to central as senior companion. I am going to be with sister monson. I feel a peace that that is where I am supposed to be.   ALSO I am going to be a GRANDMA! Sister Cheatham is training! I have posterity already! :]  (I guess they say that when their trainees become trainers!)

 It is awesome. Wow the girls are going at it arent they! At it again! So proud of my little babies. Caden and Britton look SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO different in all the pictures that I got from you this week. Caden is filling out a lot more and Britton is a giant human. Caden looks exactly like shar and Britton.............I dont know what he looks like...........hahahaha just kidding britton. I love my little baby boys. :]  I only have 18 weeks left. 3 Transfers and I will probably die in Central. Kay Im glad that santa has already gotten the memo about christmas! That will be awesome! 

Thank you for the pictures at the cabin! Im always open to getting pictures! Soooooo what happened this week?????????????????????  We had a BIG storm in the valley. Record amount of rain. More than we usually get in a year in one day. The bad thing about the rain here is that the land is so dry that it doesnt absorb the water and it just runs off.....causing flash floods and major damage.  Some people died in this last flood. Sister Cheatham and I had fun with our umbrellas in the rain and wow it felt so good! But we saw a lot of damage happen it was really bad. I will attach some pictures on another email and explanations.

Water Damage from the Floods

Tender Mercy after the Storm

The Lebrunes (one of the families she has come to love) 
 Okay and we set 2 people for baptism this week!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOOO the 40 day fast is kicking in!!! :] Bruce and misyk. I dont know if I have told you their story. I will try to keep i short because since I am getting transferred I have 8 BILLION things to do today and it is not going to feel like a pday hahaha. But Bruce took the lessons before....misyk was never interested. Bruce fell and hit his head and was told by the doctors that he will never walk, speak or remember anything ever again. The bishop (their neighbor) came and gave him a blessing. As soon as he took his hands off his head he began to talk. Now he is walking, talking and has 50% of his memory back. He is in a gray area as far as accountability goes in getting baptized but now misyk is interested and knows that the priesthood of God is real. We set them and they came to church yesterday! IT was AWESOME! Also I reached my goal in the area just in time to leave. I sang in the last ward that I havent sung in in this area. Sister Cheatham played for me it was awesome. Sister Cheatham is really good at piano. Piano is something I really wish I could learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So useful! We had a BOMB.COM lesson with Jessica last night! I love Jessica! And we found out that after the beginning of september she will get sundays off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I love Jessica so much and I love all the people in this area so much I will miss them a ton when I leave but I will definatley come back! When are we going to come back to my mission? I want to plan it so that we will actually do it. Instead of saying that we will someday. I am hopefully coming back to do the work with Sis Garner to do the baptism for Blue on june 5th or close to. I know I am planning to come back around then obviously scheduled around family hannah gradismation and such. But anyways I love you all and I pray for you always. MWAH! XOXO

Sister Fine

Monday, September 3, 2012

"I was Laughing at how Hard a Time We are Having!"

August 20, 2012

Hello family I was praying for you to have an amazing vacation and and safe trip there and back! Prayers answered! Im sorry it was so smokey up there. I am so glad that you had a great time though! This week has been harder than heck. I got to the point where I was laughing at how hard of time we are having. Every appointment pretty much cancelled and if it werent for our dear Jessica I would have jumped off a cliff by now. Im just kidding. I am way blessed but this is the hardest time I have ever had. I know pretty much all the members and their life stories.....I know about everyone in the area book and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! But I am just seeing that the Lord is trying me and I am becoming stronger. Im not going to lie I am going a little crazy right now....but it is good for me. I am sleeping well at night and Im doing my best. But I am so weak and there are so many things that I want to change about myself. But it is a progression and it will take our whole lives on earth and even after this life to become perfected. Something that I have been learning more so this week is that we will all be rewarded according to the DEGREE in which we decide to obey God's commandments and have faith in Jesus Christ no matter what we go through. We had a lesson on "Mountains to climb" by President Eyring and every time I learn about that talk I want to show my faith by praying for challenges. Scary thought! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!...but I know that through Christ I can do all things. 

Last night we went to the Why I believe fireside with Jessica and it was amazing as always. I cant beleive I turn 14 months this week. Insane.  Had a BBQ with the acacia ward this weekend and it was super fun! I love that ward. I love all of our wards! Oh and I forgot to say last week that sister Cheatham and I spoke in McCullough hills ward and it was great! After that members seem to be asking a ton how they can help and do missionary work. Sister Northrup is amazing and she made us feel so good last night by saying that she hasnt seen missionaries really inspire the members to help out as much as we have! That was really nice. I think that I needed to hear that. .....I got grandmas package and it was as amazing as always! I am sending dadyy's birthday package in the mail today! I finished the tape and I will be sending that too. Its not a very interesting tape because we are struggling so much but its something. I hope that you like it! Um what else do I want to say? no investigators at church set for baptism....working so hard..........a little crazy........but I am doing my best and trying to just laugh and be strong. Love you all and I miss you tons. You are telling santa to wait a couple days for christmas right? :] Love you and I hope all is well. No interesting pictures this week except for this quote I saw in a members bathroom that I really needed to see.......
Sister Fine
Ps-I am so proud of my little babies! Give them all a hug and kiss for me. XOXO