Thursday, July 14, 2011

43 Lessons in ONE DAY? This girl is on a roll!

She is doing SO WELL! Also, her address has changed so I've updated it! -------------------->
Continue to write her, thanks so much! :)

Things are going great! We went to the mission home after we were greeted at the airport by Pres and Sis Neider. It was awesome to see them in Nevada. Um lets just say that it is hot. Enough said. The first day we met all out goals and taught a lesson to this lady named Bonnie. She is so solid...I guess that they have been working with her for a while and seriously she is so close. We are going to commit her to baptism today. I hope and pray that her heart will be softened. That night we got home...(we are living in a member's home, they are the Andersons) They are so nice. We have a room together, sister Matthew and I and we are doing really well. The heat is pretty uncomfortable no matter if I am sleeping or walking or breathing ETC ETC. But if I would have died of heat stroke it would have happened already haha. The first night we broke our back window on accident. It was crazy. Our bike rack shattered our window. So we used the car only for the first night. Yesterday we walked all day. It was awesome because if we would have had our car yesterday we wouldnt have taught 43 lessons yesterday. Our goal for the day yesterday was 20. We were led by the sprirt and it was amazing. We got 3 or 4 retrurn appt yesterday! We are really excited and just hitting the ground running. I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to learn and sometime I feel lost but I am so grateful to my father in heaven for giving me Sis Mattew. She is an amazing trainer with such a big heart. She is a great teacher and I hope that I can learn quickly from her. It is really cool, she is originally from the Marshall Islands and has lived in Hawaii as well. She is amazing. This is her last transfer so its my first and her last. She has been here in Green Valley for 3 transfers so she knows the area very well. And I am learning. I think that yesterday it was 100 degrees and itll get so much hotter. I can tell you that I might be sending alot of stuff home that I know I am NEVER going to wear because it is so hot. I hope you are proud of me because I am taking5 min showers, going to bed at 1030, waking up at 620 and getting ready super fast. I guess that everyone gains a bit of weight on this mission so.....2 hundo here I come! hahahaha just kidding. I really hope not....Nick tell your dad that I will not weight 250 by the end of the mission. I am also running in the morning and playing basketball with the wow basically I'm a pro. Um actually not, im pretty horrible but I am proud of myself that I am actually playing. Ill get better after 18 months for sure. I have recently heard from Corinne and Brittney. I will be writing them today! People here as a whole are pretty receptive. The message has only been rejected by a few people. But it doesn't make me scared to share the word. I just feel bad because they dont know what they are rejecting. They are rejecting Jesus Christ and his only church that has the fullness of the gospel. Most people are satisfied with what they have. And the truths they have are SOOOO important. But we invite them to accept more that God wants us to hear because if God is the same yesterday today in forever then he can talk to a prophet today like he does of old! What an amazing message! I love it! YAY! :] Um what do I want to say...???? Hmmmm...I have to write the mission president here so I better go but I love you all and I am so glad that I got to talk to you on the phone the other day! I love you and miss you! Just know that I am working hard! xoxoxoxo
Sister Fine


  1. Awesome. It's fantastic to be able to read these.

  2. I just realized her name is Sister Fine.

    I bet the Elders have a fun time with that. Just sayin'
