Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"I am really working hard right now to continually lose myself in the work and become a better missionary and person."

Feb. 27th:

Wow it looks like you guys are having so much fun in hawaii! SO AMAZING! MOM AND DAD YOU DESERVE IT! So thankful that you sent pictures to me :] So this week was so great! And we are ready to have another great week! I had exchanges with sister lasalosi again this week and we were in green valley this time. It was great! I got to see the Baggett Family. Here is a picture of them and Olga is having a baby boy! She told us she was pregnant right before I left. So I am SOOOOO excited for them. Sister Hanny and I are hoping that we will be able to see them get sealed as a family before we both go home! AMAZING! Also we had dinner at carey's house and seeing him is always so great! I love that man! Also something really cool happened on sat morning. This was the day I was in green valley. We got a call on the phone during our companionship study and it was a member of the green valley ward. She said that there was a man that just showed up to the humanitarian project and wanted to talk to missionaries. So we grabbed our stuff and went over to the stake center. We saw the guy and his name was garrett. I recognized him but I couldn't put my finger on where I met him. Anyways, he said that he recognized me too and we sat down in the chapel. He said that he was contacted by missionaries a couple of times in the park right across the street from the church. We found out later that sister hanny and sister matthew and I had all contacted him last year in the summertime. He said that he came into the church that day looking for some peace because he had just found out some really horrible news. It was not coincidence that one of the many missionaries that contacted him was in green valley that particular day. Wow, so we taught him a little but mostly provided moral support through the atonement and scriptures. We asked him if he would want a blessing and he said yes. So we got the Zone leaders over and they gave him a blessing. The spirit was so strong! I know that someday he will get baptized. As I was listening to his story it sounds as though he has been prepared to hear the gospel for some time now. I cant wait to hear what happens! We are so excited because this next weekend is danny's baptism. He was sooooooooo nervous for his interview but he passed iwth flying colors! He is so funny and I think that he calls us about 12 times a day hahaha. We had interviews with president this week which are always good and we had a great time learning about how we can better use the scriptures. THis week we had 11 non-members at church. Unfortunately only 4 of them were investigators but we are working on getting the rest to take the lessons and try is out for themselves. I am really working hard right now to continually lose myself in the work and become a better missionary and person. I am continually humbled by all the stuff that I need to change but I am trying to get to the point where I can accept "line upon line, precept upon precept." That is how God's church is set up. If we were perfect all at once, it wouldn't be God's plan. 

There was this awesome Multi Regional conference that took place here in las vegas. Every member in our stake was busy because it was hosted by the unrise stake. It was very well put together and the program that was set up for everyone was incredible. THere were amazing speakers like Brad wilcox and BARBARA THOMPSON (from the general relief society presidency). Also HILARY WEEKS put on a concert for them which I was SOO JEALOUS of hahahaha. Anyways everyone had a great time. Our investigator danny went to it and he was very well known there. He is quite the character, we love him. We have been teaching this little 10 year old named jasmin. She is so amazing we just love her so much! She is our little sister. Anyways, we found these perfect fellowshippers for her and they are just amazing to her. THEY ALSO LIVE SUPER CLOSE TO HER! THey are befriending her like crazy and we are just so thankful because she doesn't get a lot of family support. She wants to get baptized so bad but the mom has to give the permission. We will be finding out soon was will happen with that. We also saw leslie this week and she just bought all matching church outfits for her boys and they are always excited to come to church! We had a ward fast for her this week because she had a hard court date for custody of one of her sons. It ended up that now she has more time now than she has been granted in the past! She says that she KNOWS that it was because the ward fasted for her. She is amazing, she has so much faith and we love her so much! Her testimony is growing daily and she is so willing to keep any commandment we throw at her because she has felt all the blessings of applying the gospel so far. We are having a temple lesson with her this week! I am so grateful that we have the temple in our zone! What a blessing. That simple fact that we have the temple in our zone makes all the blessings and hardships really intense. Pretty crazy huh! Satan is hard at work but we are working harder. He will not win! I love you so much and I miss you a ton! 

Cassie I love you so much and I am going to be thinking about you right as I close my eyes to sleep on wed night because as soon as the lights turn off at 10:30, your endowment session will be starting. I am so proud of you and I am so thankful that you are my sister. You will love the temple, and just remember what I told you before. You are going to do great! Mommy and daddy will be there right with you! MWAH MWAH MWAH!

Sister Fine

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