Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"I seriously love being a missionary and all I want to do it daily become perfected in him so that I can abide his presence without guilt. "

March 5th: 
It was such a great week! :] Danny's baptism was great! The spirit was really strong and sister hanny and I sang together. He loved his baptism and TONS of people came to support him. Sister hanny and I have been really impressed by the WA AVE ward and how amazing they are in taking care of the new members. Amazing stuff. Danny is hilarious I cant wait for you to meet him. He is just this old grouchy guy that is such a stinker but he is so funny! We love him so much! The layadi twins are getting baptized this next sunday. Wow I loved testimony meeting yesterday. MJ (one of the twins), and his mom bore their testimonies. My mission all became worth it when she looked over at me at the pulpit and said, "Thank you for coming on a mission, you and sister hanny were the only ones that could have helped our sons." Of course I was bawling at this point. I wish that sister hanny was there so that she could see that. She was in the other ward because our wards overlap. SO we were on splits. It was a great moment of my mission. Also Leslie is getting baptized on march 17 and we are stoked! She has sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much faith. We took her to the temple this week for a lesson and she fell in LOVE with the temple. Its great when we can help investigators know that baptism is only the first step and the ultimate goal is the TEMPLE. She loved it! We also had a lesson at the temple with the Layadi family and Jasmin. THe layadis are a Part member family and after the kids get baptized, the dad will be the only non member. Sister hanny and I think that he is really close to getting baptized because he is sooooooooooooooooo supportive to his kids, he helps out in lessons and he also joined them at the temple this week for the lesson. He loved the temple and he wanted a picture of the temple to take home too. He is so golden, but he just has his family traditions of being muslim so that is really hard.  But the time will come and I hope that we get to see their family get sealed in the temple someday! 
I miss you all too! Went to the temple this thursday and I loved it! I am feeling lots of promptings and I am really doing my best to put forth all my courage and faith and go for it! Ummmmmmm so our mission is getting split into 3 different directions. NVLV Mission, NVLV west, and the new mission of NV Reno. Crazy huh. I am one of the ones that might be moved to another mission because president said that only the people who have had one mission president will be moved. SO that is me!!!! Who knows what will happen. But I have a feeling that the next few months will be a roller coaster ride. The change will take place on july 1st. So pretty crazy stuff. We had a great thing happen this week! Sister Hanny and I brought up an idea that the wards just ran with!!!!!! We wanted to do a movie night for the youth so we did that this week! We watched 17 miracles and it was a success because we had 4-6 nonmembers there. Amazing. The spirit was so strong and we had such a great time. The next time you hear from me you will hear if I am staying in sunrise or if sister hanny is staying or if we are both staying or training or wahtever. :] Time flies! Sister hanny and I have already been together for 3 months. I cant believe it. 
I am loving my mission more and more and I am relying more and more on God every day. My ultimate goal is to become the 4th missionary. Its mentioned in a talk given by Lawrence corbridge. I think that he was a mission president or something. But it is a great talk and it applies to all of us even if we are not a missionary. I seriously love being a missionary and all I want to do it daily become perfected in him so that I can abide his presence without guilt. We can achieve that when we become perfected. But I am going to always work on it from here on out. I love this gospel. I know that it is true with all my heart. Not only is is true but it is the ONLY church that has the fulness of the gospel and the priesthood, and the order of Jesus Christ’s primitive church. I am so thankful that I was born into the covenant and that I can be sealed to my family forever. I am so thankful for this opportunity to live and try to become the person GOd wants me to be. I know that Joseph smith was a prophet. I am so thankful for the saints of the early church. I guess besides holding a baby and sleeping and getting a job hahaha. I love this gospel, I love my mission and nothing will stop me from inviting others to come unto Christ but helping them receive the restored gospel. I pray every night for all my friends and family who do not have that at this time to learn about it and ask God for themselves if this message is true. I am addicted to the Book of Mormon and I love it so much! Well I love you and miss you and I will talk to you next week! MWAH!

SIster Fine

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