Monday, September 19, 2011

3 Months Already?!?

Hello family!

How art thou? I miss all of your guts! I wish I could be there to see all the fun stuff you guys are doing but I am in the right place. Its been 3 months already wow. That went by fast. This is the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life but the most amazing as well. We have 5 people set for baptism right now. :] And tha tis all in one ward. We are working hard in our other 2 wards too but we cant seem to get much work there right now. We have Gerry, Jason, Balil, Carey and Alex set. Also we have a few more coming. It looks like we might not baptize this transfer :( because all of the baptisms are set for october. We would have had them sooner, but the people's readiness is more important than monthly and transfer numbers. I love our investigators. I feel that I was sent here to find these people. As you do missionary work though, you see how they never convert because of you, they convert because of the spirit. Which is how it is supposed to be. I love seeing that relationship developing between our investigators and our Heavenly Father. That is the best thing when you see them feel the spirit.

For alex's lessons in particular I have felt the spirit the strongest. This is the lady where during labor both her and baby baby troy had a great chance of dying. But due to a miracle, they are both here with us today. Every time we have a lesson with her I feel of God's love for her so strongly. I get goosebumps all over and my heart pounds like crazy. That last lesson we had with her we set her for baptism for oct 9th. She wanted it to be on that day because that is the 6 month mark of when her baby miracle happened. What a special day that will be. We are so excited. In her ward there was a ward campout and she wanted to go really bad. She was so excited for it that she make desserts for it! Wow she's mormon already and she doesn't know it. hahahaha.

ANother thing that touched our hearts last night is one of our investigators text us a sweet message. This is the guy carey who called us because his roomate's son had gotten a card from us. Do you remember that story? Well he has been doing really well, and we text him Moroni 7:33-34 and he responded with how much he loved us and how much he is thankful for us helping him be uplifted. We asked him if we could do anything for him and he said, no, to just rest well. :] I dont know you just had to be there. I love seeing this gospel change people's lives.

Bob is back home from the hospital. I was SOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY to see him. If he lives til the end of my mission I want you to meet him so badly. We are arranging for him to go and atleast do confirmations in the temple (since he is in a wheelchair and he cant do baptisms). But I cant wait for that day when we can see him go through the temple for the first time. I love that man, and I am so glad that he is doing better. He has to do dialysis 3 times a week... :( yucky yucky. But he has such a sweet spirit about him. While he was in the hospital for about 5 weeks, the ward to such good care of him. I was sad that we could never go see him in the hospital because it was completely out of our zone. But I would call him every couple of days to see if we could cheer him up. He is such a stinker pants. hahahaha I cant wait til you guys meet him and everyone else I have come into contact with here.

I can see the letters dwindling down a little since ive been out about 3 months. hahaha. Sad that it happens to every missionary but the Lord is on our side so he will always let us know we are loved from home some way or another :]. I got 2 things from Nick (thank you so much nick you are the sweetest!) and one from elder Hatch.

I am really happy because I can actually go outside and not be soaking wet after 5 minutes hahaha. Its around the 90's this time of the year. I think that I stopped getting color on my arms. Im just too dark for my own good hahaha. Im just kidding.

I am so proud of my little baby siblings. I wish that I could see Britton's football games, hannah and shar killing is on the soccer field and caden just being a cute little boy. I wish I could also see cassie and how happy she is with john and in Hawaii. I want you to do what the Lord says. I miss you little tas tas. Kisses and loves.

Mom and Dad, thank you for the never-ending love and support you give me. I love you so much and I am so thankful for such wonderful parents. Sometimes when times get tough, I think of you and I have that determination to go on. I want to make you and our Heavenly Father proud. I am doing well and I am always seeking ways to become better. Sometimes that gets me into overanalyzing and getting complex with my thoughts, and that is how the adversary works on me. SO I pray that through my mission I will be able to overcome that trial with my Father's help.

I sung in sacrement meeting again this week. I think that the people keep hearing me and requesting me. haha. That makes me feel good. I just love sharing my testimony that way. I am singing in a nursing home this next sunday. I will let you know how it goes. :] I love nursing homes. There was this member that lives there and we went to go visit him. He was a patriarch and he was so sweet. He was very mentally and physically disabled but everything that he talked about was so positive and uplifting! It made me want to be a better missionary. I was so thankful for his example. What a cute little old fart! :] hahaha. I miss you guys and I think about you lots. I hope that I can hear from you in a package with a tape in it this next week :) hint hint. hahahaha mwah mwah!

How is school going? Where art my little baby siblings? I want to hear from those little poops. Give them kisses for me. Yes momma, we push the thing like crazy down here. We encourage every member to make a profile. DO you have one that I can look at yet?

Oh tell hannah to look up a book called Cake pops, I think she would like making them! Its like the cupcake books yea? Check it out! They are so cute! Tell dad we are teaching a ex-pro baseball player from the dodgers and his family. His name is Lester Douglas. He is awesome. He is ready to be baptized but he doesn't know it yet! We are teaching his son tonight!

It is insane how much your heart goes into the lives of the people here. My heart is full of love for them. Someday they will be real to you because hopefully you will get to meet all of them! I love you guys so much! I better go for now but HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!

Pictures chicken shack (the best yum yum), with our car (his name is elder hahaha), and of me and sister Garner with a lady named beth evans who drove us to the temple this past tuesday. Wow that day was rough! We went at the early session and then did a full prosyleting day. I could hardly keep my eyes open hahaha. Man I cant ever remember all the stuff I want to say.


Yours Truly, Sister Fine

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